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VIDA MTB women community
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In March 2023, VNTRbirds purchased VIDA MTB Series and merged the 2 companies. We honor the legacy of VIDA MTB Series in our 2 day women’s mountain bike festivals.

women mountain bike coach and rider

The VIDA MTB Series focuses on making you a better rider through increased confidence and an improved understanding of the relationship between you and your bike. If you’ve been wanting to descend the steeps, tackle tight switchbacks with ease, learn how to catch air, or become confident on wooden bridges and features, join us and discover the rider that exists within you.

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Vida MTB Series logo


Our 2-day VIDA MTB Series clinic will take your riding to the next level. This immersive experience gives you the opportunity to connect with your coaches and dive into the nitty-gritty when it comes to proper form on the bike. You’ll spend the first day working on fundamentals, and the second day gives you a chance to seal in and perfect everything you’ve worked on.

Lift tickets included (if applicable)  |  Healthy lunch  |  MTB Workshops

women mountain bike coach and rider

Rider To


Since 2018, VIDA MTB Series has cultivated a team of professional women who are experts in their respective fields to coach, mentor, and help women make the quantum leap from riding to racing. The program aims  to bring more women to the starting line for their first enduro race. Rider to Racer program includes a 2 day skills clinic, entry to the VNTRbirds Rip Roaring Mini Enduro Race,  at-home strength program with Shift Human Performance, a virtual nutrition class geared for racers and Daily Nutrition e-book, Inner Wild Nutrition, and a custom Yeti Cycles’ Women’s enduro jersey. Participants also have the opportunity to enter the Revolution Enduro Race.

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History Of

VIDA grew from the strong foundations created by the first Beti Clinic at Keystone Resort in Keystone, CO, in 2013. The Beti Clinic was a natural extension of the growing women’s community in the Rocky Mountains, started by Team Yeti Beti and the Beti Bike Bash, the first women’s mountain bike race in Colorado. In it’s first year, the Beti Clinic attracted 90 participants and 13 coaches to ride, learn and teach. The focus of the weekend was healthy progression for women, by women.

The weekend was instantly a hit! Women were talking about their experiences on social media for weeks and it caught the media’s headlines. The feedback was overwhelming positive, with 90 percent in a post-event survey saying they would attend more clinics like this and invite their friends. We repeatedly heard that more events need to exist. As a result of this spoken word from the women’s riding community, a passion behind the scenes, and a vision from the female leaders in the sport, the Beti Clinic expanded to four events and locations in 2014.

women mountain bike winner on podium

After another whirlwind summer of riding and inspiring women in the Rocky Mountain region, we knew that the Beti Clinic had more potential than we ever expected. As we began to stretch our wings and become more involved in new projects, we realized that the Beti Clinic had outgrown its origins, and it was time to create a novel identity. The VIDA MTB Series was a natural evolution of the Beti Clinic, a new incarnation that celebrates the entire lifestyle of women riders, and that supports them in all of their endeavors.

Today, the VIDA MTB Series is focused on inspiring a movement to promote cycling as a way of improving lives. VIDA MTB works to unify women’s voices to send clear messages to the cycling community, increasing the visibility of women riders. Our fundamental goal is to encourage more women to ride bikes and support them in their endeavors through instruction, building communities, and breaking down barriers to participation.

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